How to manifest your dream partner

manifest love manifestation Mar 06, 2024
How to manifest your dream partner

Hey there, fellow manifestors!

Today, I'm opening up about a journey that's very personal to me – how I brought my husband into my life through manifestation. We've been married for seven years now, but this man who's now my soulmate was once just a dream on paper. In this post, I'll share my own manifestation journey and give you some practical steps you can take to manifest your perfect partner as well.


The manifestation story

Before I met my husband, my romantic relationships were far from ideal. To be honest, they were pretty toxic. I seemed to attract guys who weren't emotionally available and didn't treat me with the love and care I craved. Whenever I entered a relationship, I poured my heart and soul into it. I'd text constantly, rearrange my schedule to spend time together, and make it clear that I was fully committed.

But sadly, I wasn't met with the same level of affection. I found myself in situations where I was belittled or ignored, or got strangled into mind games where I felt controlled or put in a position where I got hurt unjustified. At first, I couldn't understand why I couldn't find a more loving partner. After all, I was giving everything I had, right?

It took me a while to realize that the problem wasn't with how I loved, but rather with the partners I accepted into my life. I was settling for less than I deserved.

It wasn't until later that I realized this pattern stemmed from observing my parents' relationship dynamics. My father's treatment of my mother had become my benchmark for what was acceptable in a partner.  

Sadly, my boyfriends treated me much like how my father treated my mother, and it wasn't in the most loving, healthy way. I witnessed infidelity from my father towards my mother as a child, and even though I was looking for a partner who was loyal, I attracted boyfriends who would cheat on me as well.  

This isn't unusual, though. It often happens because of what we learn in our early years. When we're young, we pick up on everything around us, including how relationships work. And that become our standards we live by. 

But when I discovered the law of attraction and manifestation, I made a choice to manifest a partner who met my desires. I made the decision to elevate my standards. The good news was that I already had a clear understanding of what I didn't want in a partner, which helped me pinpoint exactly what I did want.

So, one day, I grabbed a piece of paper and scripted precisely what my ideal relationship would look like and feel like. I wrote down some specific scenarios and how those scenarios would play out. It felt like I was writing a romantic movie and the writing completely sucked me into creating that perfect picture and it felt so real, I was playing it over in my head a couple more times after I wrote it down. 

Then I placed the paper back in my desk drawer and didn't think about it again. Now I wish I could tell you that the next day my prince charming was standing in front of my door. But that wasn't the case. 

One day, I was bored and wanted to connect with someone. I wasn't the super social busy bee, so I went online and decided to join a chatroom. And in this chatroom I started talking with a random guy. My first thought wasn't to find a romantic relationship, I just wanted someone to talk to. And so we started chatting, and the day after that again, and again, and we kept chatting every day for a little over 2 years. Now you might be wondering why we didn't meet in person in those 2 years? Well, that was because he was living in the United States and I was living in Belgium. I got myself in quite a pickle there, I know. 

But in those 2 years, we've built such a big connection, he was so kind, he even sent me gifts and written letters and we video chatted for hours, until I decided to fly out and meet him in person. 

So I bought a ticket and had a 30-day visa to stay in the US. Once I landed in Miami, had that awkward moment of meeting him in real life, I knew this was 100% right. THIS WAS THE GUY I wrote down 2 years earlier on my piece of paper. After one month I went back to Belgium and 2 weeks later I bought a one-way ticket to marry him and built a life together. And the rest, well, is history. 

An archive photo: My now-husband and me the second day after we met in Miami in 2016


So if you're reading this, and you haven't found love yet, or you've noticed yourself being stuck in unhealthy romantic relationships, know that you can change your story, no matter how crazy it may turn out.

How to manifest your dream partner - a 4-step-process

Let's dive into the process. Here a some actionable steps you can start taking to manifest your perfect match: 

Step 1: Decide you're ready to raise your standards 

It all start with deciding you want more or better and that starts by setting different standards than you're used to. If you're noticing patterns in your romantic relationships write them down and question if these patterns are something you've learned to accept from observing something in your childhood, and if this is something you would like to see change? 

Step 2: Get clear in what you're looking for

When you decided you want change, it's time to get clear on what you want instead. Ask yourself questions like:
- "What do I want my partner to look like?" 
- "What characteristics does my dream partner have?"
- "How does my dream partner treats me daily?" 
- "What are his values and how does he express those values in our relationship?"
- "What are some of the things I would hear him say to me often?" 
- "How does he make me feel?" 
Then once you're clear on what type of person your dream partner is, take a blank piece of paper and start writing down a scene from your life together with this person. Write down every detail you want to feel, create a dialogue or experience you're in together. Let you fantasy run wild. This is your time to script your perfect relationship. then read it a couple of times and sink into the experience as if it's a memory that actually happened. 

Step 3: Trust the process 

Once you've decided you're ready for change, created the script and immersed yourself in the experience, it's time to let it go and let the universe do its job. As I mentioned in my own story, it was a process of 2 years before I physically met my husband, but the chatting online started quite fast after I did the scripting. The universe can be quite the tease...haha! Trust that the right person or opportunity will present itself at the right time, and then it's time to take the next step...

Step 4: Take Inspired Action

The universe is always working in your favour, so you might be presented with little nudges to do a certain thing or go to a certain place, even when it doesn't make sense. In most cases, you're already deep in your manifestation process, without realizing it. And it's only when you look back once it manifested, it all makes sense. 

So if longing for that special someone, remember this – you have the power to manifest your heart's desires. Write your script, set your intentions, take inspired action, and trust in the magic of the universe. Who knows? Your own love story might be just a manifestation away!

Until next time, keep believing, keep manifesting, and keep living your best life.

With love and manifestation magic,

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